BO1 - Single cell RNA sequencing of sarcomas
BO2 - Translational research on immunotherapy-treated patients
BO3 - Tackling tumor heterogeneity and chemoresistance in Ewing sarcoma and fusion-positive RMS
BO4 - The novel fusions club
BO5 - Supermodels in 3D
BO6 -
BO7 - Rare cancers harboring EWSR1 fusions – a novel initiative
As slots to each BO are limited, we offered an early sign in option which is now closed.
You can still pick your BO at the venue as long as spots are still available.
Sarcoma Center Essen
West German Cancer Center
University Hospital Essen
WTZ-F EG room 0.014
Hufelandstr. 55
45147 Essen